Sunday, May 15, 2011


written by Kathy Todd

Revive: Restore to life. Restore Strength. Renewal of the mind. To Awaken.

(Rehab): treatment for a addiction

In life, many things may cause a believer -- true Christian -- to lose the fire, the umpf! that
they had when they first were saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Different circumstances
causes the fire to burn out. Persecution health, jobs, feelings of hurt and/or rejection,
problems with family and/or friends, fear, failures, lack of material/resources, lack of
finances etc...

Another cause may also be the result of backing off because when the Holy Spirit moved
in your life, there would come an attack from Satan to discourage, confuse, or simply make
your life so busy and chaotic that you can't see the light at either end of the tunnel. What
am I trying to say? Well, when the Holy Spirit moves in your life and soul, Satan will become
threatened by the fire you receive for the Kingdom of God. He becomes threatened by what
you are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to do through you for the glory of God. Satan does
not like a submissive spirit and an obedient spirit of a called servent of the gospel. He knows
that submissive and obedient people receive an annointing and power from the Holy Spirit
that he has absolutely no authority or control over. Satan knows his final fate and he wants
to take as many souls with him as possible so when the Holy Spirit moves through a
person for God to change lives and save by the blood of Jesus Christ, he'll come against
that person. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy and oh so many times he succeeds to
burn that fire out. He'll send a bomb shell and if a person or ministry is not ready, the fire
will be gone.

In other words, if a believer or ministry does not stay revived, the motion of
that believer or ministry just becomes dried up and lacks the zeal and fire needed to work
for the glory of God's kingdom. That believer or ministry becomes like a wet sponge
laying in the middle of the hot desert all dried up and hard as a rock. However, when that
sponge is put in water, the sponge becomes refreshed and will expand back to full capacity.
It will be able to serve the purpose of a sponge. That is the same way with a believer or
ministry or church. Think about it!

A believer, ministry, church etc... should be addicted to the truth of the Word of God, the
saving blood of Jesus Christ and the power and annointing of the Holy Spirit. They should
have such a burn in their hearts and souls that they can't live without it daily. And really
on a constant level of submission and obedience to the Holy Spirit. If grounded in these
truths, then you'll be able to literally hear the cries of the lost souls in the world within your
hearts and souls that the fire for them will burn like fire shut up in your bones. It would burn
so that would be the first and last thing in your mind daily. It would wake you up at night
to pray. It would make you constantly look up to watch for signs of the return of Jesus. It
would make you know that revival is so important for survival. It would give you that divine
addiction for the Holy Spirit to work through you for the advancement of God's Kingdom.

It's time for REHAB Christians--true believers, ministries, churches ... CHECK-IN to the
addiction of the Holy Word of God, the saving blood of Jesus Christ and the power and
annointing and fire of the Holy Spirit! Keep your feet grounded on the rock of Christ because
as soon as the Holy Spirit starts to move and work through you, Satan will retaliate! It's ok
to hate the attacks from Satan, just know you have the power and annointing from the
Holy Spirit to resist! Don't allow Satan to smother the fire from your heart and soul!

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