Day 6 of my personal 30 Day Song Challenge
Ok, For this day, I had to pick 2 songs that reminded me of somewhere. They remind me of the youth revival that was held at my own local church on Sunday, May 22, 2011
I find it absolutely amazing how God works! How God takes a man that was invited in to preach and annoints him to put forth a strong and powerful word from the Holy Spirit!
This first song reminds me of the message preached in the morning service -- Satan in 3D -- The 3D's are Distraction, Discouragement and Doubt. The message was about how easy it is to get distracted from the Holy Word and Kingdom of God. Once one gets distracted, then they are very easily discouraged and then that distraction and discouragement turns into doubt. Doubt of what God can do through you for the Kingdom of God. The message also was on turning from your fleshly ways (sins) and walking in the Spirit (holiness). The message was also on making spiritual war against what is distracting, what is discouraging and what is making you doubt. And also making war against your very own sin! The message was also urging all Christains to come off of defense and get on offense in the Kingdom of God!
This song is called Riot by Tedashii -- I looked up the word riot on -- 2 definitions of Riot stuck out at me. 1) To act without control or restraint & 2) when 3 or more people act out loudly for a certain cause.
Ok, let the words speak to you (gotta listen to get it) :o)
Now for the second song that reminds of the youth revival. The message Sunday night, May 22,2011 was about SIN! Not too many people really like to talk about the SIN in their lives. And that's a very dangerous road to be on. Especially these days as more and more signs of Jesus returning are very relevant and real! Christians that are walking in the spirit and engaging in spiritual warfare should definitely know and should definitely be watching for these signs. And not only knowing and watching however should be doing everything in the power the Holy Spirit gives those who truly believe, the work and spreading of the Holy Word of God. Folks, God doesn't like sin, as a matter of FACT he HATES SIN. Listen to the words to this song and let it speak to your heart!! The song is SELF-EXAMINATION by Trip Lee
I pray that sharing these songs and the messages from the youth revival at church spoke to every Christian!! And every Non-Christian!
Love through truth of the Holy Word, by the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to you all!!
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