Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Found a page on facebook called 30 Day Song Challenge and decided to participate and share it on here :o)

Day 2 -- Your Least Favorite Song

I don't like this song because, by my own opinion, it is not biblical. Please know that I am not knocking old hymns. There are many, many, many old hymns that I absolutely love. Here it is:

It's just this one song tells of a soul to be still through thorny (hard) times of grief,sorrow,fear, pain etc.... until the joyful return of Jesus Christ for his believers. Know this: Jesus died on the cross for our sins and to conquer darkness and death. To me, feelings of grief, sorrow, fear, pain etc... are feelings of darkness. If you are truly a believer in Jesus Christ, then you are to abide in his love and his light. There is no room for darkness in Christ. If you "be still" in times of darkness, you are only giving yourself unneccessary torment on earth. God sent his son to take all of these things away.
So when a soul submits their life to Jesus Christ and believes, all darkness is broken by the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. It gives that soul ETERNAL LIFE -- eternal meaning without beginning or end. Eternal is not for a future existence, it is for an immediate existance of that soul becoming ALIVE as soon as the soul believes that God sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, and that God raised Jesus from the dead to sit at his right hand for ETERNITY. As soon as God raised Jesus from the dead, that is when Jesus conquered Satan and the death and darkness that Satan bestows on unbelievers. That is when Jesus becomes ALIVE for eternity. In other words, when a soul believes and abides in Christ, that soul becomes ALIVE as Jesus did when God raised him from the dead. ALIVE for eternity. From the time of salvation until forever! That soul is to move forward VICTORIOUSLY living in LOVE, JOY, PEACE, and HAPPINESS.
Will that soul (person) have trials and troubles? Yes, however in those times, that soul can be still long enough for God to intervene and give you direction, but then God tells that soul (person) to MOVE FORWARD and LIVE their life VICTORIOUSLY because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for all who believe and abide in him on the Cross!!

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